The law of 15 December 2017, which entered into force on 1 January 2018, has modified extraordinary leave, mostly in favour of employees.
The table below summarises the law before and after the reform:
8 weeks
Postnatal leave:
8 weeks
12 weeks, if breast feeding, multiple births or premature baby Prenatal leave:
8 weeks
Postnatal leave:
12 weeks Adoption of a child under 16 years old 2 days 10 days in the following 2 months (can be split) Marriage / Civil partnership Marriage 6 days 3 days Civil partnership 6 days 1 day Child's partnership 2 days Abolished Child's marriage 2 days 1 day Other Leave for family reasons (child’s sickness) Child’s maximum age: 15 years old
Child for which a family allowance is granted by the CNPF
2 days per year and per child
Child’s maximum age: 18 years old
Child born in and outside marriage and adopted
12 days per child between 0 and 4 years old
8 days per child between 4 and 13 years old
5 days per child between 13 and 18 years old
Moving 2 days 2 days per 3 year-period of employment with the same employer (except moving for professional reasons) Military service enrolment 1 day Abolished* Unless otherwise specified, days off must be taken at the time the related life event occurs.