
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - navigating implementation

View the SFDR implementation timeline

From 10 March 2021 the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) required Fund and Asset Managers to disclose a significant amount of new information, including how they consider sustainability risks in their investment processes and products, and how they deal with principal adverse impacts of their investment decisions on sustainability factors.

But that is not the end of the requirements. Over the next two years, a series of further actions are required, including the implementation of the SFDR Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS), the alignment with the Taxonomy framework and the step-by-step implementation of additional reporting and disclosure requirements.

This is a particularly challenging task for fund and asset managers which struggle with the lack of clarity and coherence as well as the complexity of the current disclosure framework. To help fund and asset managers navigate their way through this, we have produced a poster that guides you through the various implementation stages.

With the launch of the revised RTS in February 2021 we published an overview of the main issues in SFDR implementation across Europe and practical guidance on how to address them. We will continue to update this guidance and you can find a copy of the current document here.

We hope that you find both the poster and full guide useful. If you have any queries about the implementation of SFDR or require further guidance please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Access the SFDR guide

Catherine Pogorzelski, Partner, Luxembourg
Heike Andrea Schmitz, Counsel, Cologne
Axelle Ferey, Head of Operations, Luxembourg
