Legal Directory: E

Do you need to find a list of lawyers in Luxembourg, or a specific law firm in Luxembourg-City? Then the LexGO Luxembourg law firm listing, conveniently presented in alphabetical order, is for you!

For each law firm listed, we provide detailed information, including its functions, employee count, main practice areas and region of operation. Contact details, job opportunities, awards, news and articles are also featured, making this a truly comprehensive resource!

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Law Firms

Elvinger Dessoy Dennewald
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Elvinger Hoss Prussen
Independent in structure and spirit, Elvinger Hoss Prussen guides clients on their most critical Luxembourg legal matters. Our firm was founded in 1964 by lawyers committed to excellence and creativity in legal practice. Since then, we…
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Emmanuelle Ragot - Avocat
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Ethikos Luxembourg
We are a group of professionally & humanly skilled individuals practicing law in a united & atypical international law firm. Ethics, agility, humanity and integrity: the four values we share within Ethikos Lawyers are at the heart o…
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Etude Befana Bagnès
Nous avons travaillé durant dix ans dans les départements contentieux d’études d’affaires renommées de la place luxembourgeoise. Cette expérience nous a permis de développer nos compétences dans des domaines variés du droit luxembourgeois, …
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Etude d'avocats Bauler & Lutgen
Le Cabinet d'avocats BAULER traite les problèmes juridiques par la voie de la représentation judiciaire et de la consultation. La représentation et l'assistance judiciaires s'exercent auprès de toutes les juridictions ordinaires et administ…
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Etude du Notaire Cosita Delvaux
Spécialiste en droit civil, l’étude du notaire Delvaux offre la même qualité de service en droit immobilier, en droit matrimonial, en droit successoral ou encore en droit familial. A l’écoute de ses clients, la notaire et son équipe leurs p…
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Etude Giabbani
Avocat en droit du travail, Maître Giabbani est assermenté au barreau de Luxembourg depuis 2005. Il jouit ainsi d’une grande expérience en matière de conflits de droit du travail au service des particuliers. L’Etude est composée d’avocats s…
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Etude Kerger
Located in downtown Luxembourg, the law firm provides legal advice and litigation services to a large range of enterprises, amongst which are some of the biggest listed and non listed companies in Luxembourg. The focus is on providing a hig…
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Etude Max Maillet
Etude Max Mailliet was founded in 2008 with the aim of combining a rigorous internal structure with high-quality legal advice and a one-to-one approach, promoting the closeness to our clients and the best response to their needs. The firm h…
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