Our ambition is to ensure the stability of the Luxembourg financial sector, to protect financial consumers and to promote a financial market which is fair, transparent and safe. The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) acts exclusively in the public interest and all of our employees contribute to maintaining the safeness and soundness of the financial industry, one of the main drivers of the Luxembourg economy.
Beyond the national scope, the CSSF is also characterized by a strong European and international exposure. Our employees participate in international working groups and collaborate with other European authorities with the aim of promoting a stable financial industry on a European and international level.
The successful candidate (m/f) will be hired as public employee (“employé de l’Etat”) under a permanent contract. If the candidate meets the required conditions, s/he will be asked to apply for admission to the status of civil servant (“fonctionnaire de l’Etat”).
Prior to the conclusion of the contract, the candidate must submit an extract from the criminal record (bulletin n°3), dated less than 2 months, in order to prove their conduct and integrity.