Situated at the crossroad of Europe, the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg is based on a dynamic and open economy which actively promotes the development of cross border trade and investments. Its major role in matter of international trade in the sectors of banking and finance, investment funds and holding companies has for a consequence that a strong network of double tax treaties has been developed over the years. To that end, Luxembourg has entered into more than 70 comprehensive double tax treaties based on the OECD model tax convention on income and capital in order to mitigate the risks of double taxation for businesses.
The Grand Duchy treaty partners are amongst the most industrialised countries with inter alia all of the states in the European Union but Cyprus, the United States, Japan, Brazil, China, Mexico, Hong Kong and Russia, Canada. Luxembourg tax treaties as most bilateral agreements are designed and balanced to address a specific economic context. Given their very nature, tax treaties are constantly negotiated and updated to the latest international standards.
Another perspective to the steady expansion of Luxembourg tax treaties must be added. Luxembourg endorsed on 13 March 2009 the international standard of exchange of information upon request embodied in article 26-5 of the OECD model tax convention.
- 18 November 2015. Luxembourg adopted draft law 6826 implementing new tax treaties with Andorra, Croatia, Estonia and Singapore and protocols to existing tax treaties with United Arab Emirates, France, Ireland, Lithuania, Mauritius and Tunisia. Protocol to the France-Luxembourg has to be ratified by France and may enter in force as of 1 January 2016. For more information please refer to our alert: Fourth amendment of the Luxembourg and France double tax treaty.
- 12 October 2015. Luxembourg and Ecuador Ministers of Finance agreed to consider the advisability to conclude a tax treaty.
- 07 October 2015. Luxembourg and Bolivian Ministers of Finance agreed to consider the advisability to conclude a tax treaty.
- 14 July 2015. New tax treaty was signed with Brunei and will include exchange of information upon request provisions.
- 09 June 2015. Draft law 6826 .
- 18 March 2015. In its 2014 Annual report, the Luxembourg Direct Tax Authorities reported that 727 exchange of information upon request, spontaneous information exchange and automatic exchange of information have been handled by the Luxembourg Direct Tax Authorities in 2014 (10,5% more than in 2013).
- 10 March 2015. New tax treaty was signed with Uruguay.
- 10 March 2015. New tax treaty was signed with Hungary. The new treaty will replace the Hungary-Luxembourg income and capital tax Treaty of 1990 and will include exchange of information upon request provisions.
- 30 December 2014. Protocol regarding taxation of pension income with Denmark is in force as of 28 December 2014 and will be applicable as of 01 January 2015 (Mémorial A 266, 30 December 2014).
- 26 November 2014. Protocol on exchange of information with Italy is in force as of 25 October 2014 and will be applicable as of 01 January 2015 (Mémorial A 212, 25 November 2014).
- 26 October 2014. Protocol on exchange of information upon request was signed with United Arab Emirates.
- 10 October 2014. New tax treaty with Isle of Man is in force as of 05 August 2014 and will be applicable as of 01 January 2015 (Mémorial A 190, 10 October 2014).
- 07 October 2014. New tax treaty with Jersey is in force as of 05 August 2014 and new tax treaty with Guersney as of 08 August 2014. Both will be applicable as of 01 January 2015 (Mémorial A 186 of 07 October 2014 and corrigendum Mémorial A 190, 10 October 2014).
- 25 September 2014. Protocol on exchange of information upon request with Slovenia is in force as of 22 August 2014 and will be applicable as of 01 January 2015 (Mémorial A 183, 25 September 2014).