
Cazimir is a special law firm due to its unique focus on the private individual and his assets. Together with family and friends, a person’s assets form the foundation of his life. Family and friends deserve the very best there is, both during your life as well as after your death. However, they can also be a source of concern and disturb your peace of mind. Our years of experience with Tax and Civil Law enable us to offer you this protection and peace of mind.

Cazimir is special due to the complementary composition of its team who can expertly advise affluent private individuals as well as entrepreneurs and their businesses. After all, every component of your assets requires a different approach: an investment portfolio, a Belgian real property, a holiday home abroad, a business, a group of companies, …  

The name "Cazimir" was consciously chosen. The personal approach and the modern style form an important part of our quality label. After all, our clients are people who want to relate their story. We are there in the first place to listen to you, with the utmost confidentiality and discretion. Listening attentively is half of the solution. With our knowledge, experience and creativity we shall take care of the other half.  

  • Flemish Brabant
  • Antwerp
  • West Flanders
  • East Flanders
  • Corporate law
  • Civil Law
  • Tax
  • Litigation
  • Wealth management
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Italië: nieuw gunstig belastingregime vervangt het “impatriati”-regime

Italië introduceert een nieuw gunstig belastingregime ter vervanging van de vroegere belastingvermindering van het “impatriati”-regime.

Gesplitste aankoop in Vlaanderen: moet de voorafgaande schenking geregistreerd worden?

Op 12 juni 2018 vernietigde de Raad van State het standpunt van de Vlaamse Belastingdienst inzake schenkingen met gesplitste inschrijving tot gevolg (…

Update wetsvoorstel afschaffing “kaasroute” - de concrete timing wordt duidelijk

Op 18 juli werd in de kamercommissie Financiën het wetsvoorstel tot verplichte registratie van buitenlandse notariële schenkingsakten goedgekeurd. De …